Herman Beerman Lecturer
De’Broski R. Herbert, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Itchy Immunity via myeloid IL-33
Full bio coming soon…
Professor of Pathobiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Presidential Professor of Immunology, University of Pennsylvania
Research Areas: Regulatory networks, Immunity, Inflammation, Tissue repair, Mucosal interface, Helminth infection, Lung and intestinal injury, Transgenic mice
Through the study of parasitic helminths and protozoa, my group has made important contributions towards understanding mechanisms controlling development of alternatively activated macrophages and Type 2 inflammation within the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.
About the Lectureship:
This award is given in recognition of Dr. Herman Beerman’s long and devoted service to the SID and his efforts to secure for it a position of respect in the scientific community. The Beerman Lecture is given by a distinguished medical scholar at a scientific session of the Society’s Annual Meeting. Traditionally, lecturers from fields other than dermatology are chosen in order to give meeting attendees the opportunity to learn about scientific advances in other fields.